
Turbo Cake Surprise

What do you do when your son goes back and forth from wanting a Turbo party to a Percy Jackson party?  You tell him no party, make a Turbo cake, and then throw the best surprise Percy Jackson party you can think of!

On his actual birthday, it was all about Turbo.  His aunt got him the Turbo movie for his gift and I was determined to make a Turbo cake.  He was definitely pleased with the cake and thought we had successfully completed his birthday.  In another post, I'll tell you about the Percy Jackson surprise party.
The cake was made from scratch substituting Coconut Sugar for Granulated Sugar.  It had a unique, but subtle taste that everyone enjoyed.  I used two round cake pans to make the mold and then cut pieces off for the spoiler, shell, head, and tail.

Assembling was a little challenging.  The trick was using toothpicks to secure all pieces together.

Using a simple butter cream frosting in white and blue, I did the main decoration pieces to match a Turbo picture I had.  The black stripes, eye pupils and "5" were made with a tube of sparkle black gel.  If I would have had a red tube, I could have added the red details, too.  The eyes were two matching Dum Dum lolipops with frosting. 

Overall, it was a pretty good match with what I had.  My son also enjoyed blowing out the candles off the top and had no clue the Percy Jackson party was to follow in a few weeks!

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